Upcoming Events:
June 27 & 28, 4th Annual Kingston Radio Control Modellers Electric Funfly Contact: Martin Irvine (613) 389-9457 or <email:mirvine@kos.net, Kingston, Ontario, at the Yarker outside Kingston Ontario, (roughly 1/2 way between Toronto and Montreal), and an hour north of Watertown NY.
June 26, 27 & 28, DEAF/Ezone Electric Expo & Rally, Symposium on Friday, flying on Saturday & Sunday. contact Frank Korman (214) 327-8411/email: FSKorman@aol.com or Jim Bourke (972) 680-1220/email: jbourke@ezone.com Also visit the http://www.ezonemag.com/
June 26th, 27th & 28th MARCEE98 At the 3M R/C flying field. e-mail info at mlroerig@mmm.com Phone: 612-426-5018 see http://www.isd.net/3mrcflyers/events.htm
June 27 Northern Connecticut RC Club 11th Annual Electric Fun Fly - Ellington, CT - Ron Torrito, 1625 Main St., East Hartford, CT 06108 w/SASE for maps and event brochure - Email: 102127.1060@compuserve.com
June 27 and 28, The 16th Annual Boeing Hawks/Puget
Sound Electric Model Flyers Electric Fly-In, info: Bernard Cawley, 29838 48th Avenue South, Auburn, Washington 98001. (253) 839-9157 or e-mail: 75613.2621@compuserve.com or bernard.e.cawley@boeing.com
July 11 & 12 Mid-America Electric Flies (info in this issue)
July 18 and 19 Voltaires of Central New York Tenth Annual All Electric Fun Fly --- Grenadiers Field, Caughdenoy, NY. Contact Garret Wikoff 315-695-4271, email: wikoff@ibm.net or Gordon Wheler, 5 Old Farms Ln., Cazenovia, NY 13035.
August 2, 3, & 4 AMA/NEAC Electric Nationals, Muncie, IN at AMA Headquarters. Old-timer, glider and S400 competition. Contact: DWard79207@aol.com, president of NEAC
August 8 & 9 Fort Wayne ElectriFly contact: email: Pat-Ingrid-Mattes@Juno.com, Pat Mattes, Yoder, IN
August 15, 5th Annual SEFLI Mountain Fly-Inn, East Dover, VT, AMA sanctioned Class A event. Fun-fly for hand launched electric models all day (and into the night!!), Class A and B electric sailplane and Class A old-timer events - contact: Tom Hunt (CD), email: THunt95147@aol.com